“A Cross, A Crown, A Bleeding Heart”

Ephemeral Friendship…

”Butterfly Guy”

Hello, little butterfly, hello !
I see you there.

You`re beautiful:
I like your blue.
I like your white.
I like your black.
I like your brown.
I like your teal.

You struggled long and hard, didn`t you ?
In that cocoon—no one helped you. No one, could.

You did it all by yourself...

Of course, the Master was watching.

So now, what`s that you say ?
“You can do it, too?”
Oh, I suppose you`re right...
But, but, I`m scared...
Oh, what`s that ? The process is the same, you say...
Isolation. Darkness. Struggle. Endurance. Patience.
Pain (even for you, too—right ?)
then, birth !

And, oh yes, the birth ! How wonderful ! The joy. The tears.

You`re right.

Thank you. Thank you, little friend
for encouraging me today.
I believe again that I can win.

I may forget you.
But, your friends will remind me.
Good bye, little butterfly.
It was nice to meet you !
So long.

Andrew Brian
June 17, 2024

Agony of Artistry…

“Saving Face”

The artist seen.
The poet read.
The musician heard.
The philosopher bled.

The painting praised.
The poem understood.
The musician applauded.
The philosopher, in cold blood.

Beauty of image.
Beauty of word.
Beauty of sound.
Truth unheard.

All have sense.
All perceive.
All feel deeply.
Both joy and grief.

Troubled life
like the waves
with highs and lows
from birth to grave.

Saving grace:
His radiant face
with twinkling eyes
like stars in space.

May 13, 2024

Pauper`s Pictorial Pick Part :

“Hope for a Nation”

At some time in my life,
I admit, I`ve heard about Him
through mass media, church, family,
acquaintance or friend.

The words that they`d speak
like love, mercy and grace
were truly attractive
but you see, I had to save face...

What would my family think
if I was really to try
and seek this God-man, named Jesus,
who for sinners, did die.

And of my community and culture,
I must conform.
I can`t stand out or be different
I must maintain the norm.

Yet, all of my own effort
to get and to be
pales in comparison
to His love on Calvary`s tree.

Yes, there`s just something about Him
that draws and attracts
if I could only step forward
and never, ever look back.

May 16, 2021

His Offer Still Stands…


A very warm and hearty welcome from PSP & IUA !

Whether you mistakenly landed here, or found this site, perhaps, after hearing of it `through the grapevine,` I truly hope and pray that your time spent here is well met.

That is, I truly hope and pray that you may find some small thing to help you get up, get back, carry on or just finish strong…

After all, `The Way` of the first century is still the only Way, today.

Sincerely Yours,


October 2, 2023, Monday

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