Until Next Time…

“Deity of Empathy”

You might give in
but don`t give up;
though surely you`ve been given
a bitter cup.

Well, He received one, too,
while He walked this earth
to Golgotha`s heap
from the Virgin`s birth:

A crown of thorns—
unspeakable agony:

Blood that flowed
from His broken heart;
His face disfigured
like abstract art.

Forty lashes
from a whips loud crack
that left deep furrows
upon His back.

Emotional pain
like tears of rain
during Monsoon season
with no refrain.

The depths of pain
that He endured
should leave us speechless
and reassured...

...that the Father knows
what its like
to lose, be bruised
or cast aside.

For He`s not distant
or insensitive.
Neither does He desire
for any to perish
but, for all to live !

August 2, 2022

“Snatch `em Back”

Jude 23
“Much Ado About Contemporary Christianity”

Pomp and circumstance:
Like hype before a fight—
Glittery, shiny things,
candy coated,
rose colored,
eye catching,
ear itching,
prosperity promising,
80`s health and wealth,
good life in this life;
Fame oriented,
`pabulum puking` pious platitudes.

Neither hard nor right;
The promised land without a fight.
To have your cake and eat it, too.
Happiness. Blessedness. 
No mess.
No trial. No test.
No need to do your best.
Sinner`s prayer gets you there.
No war to fight, only light.

Like the grand facade on a vacant building.

A crown without a cross;
A cross without a crucifixion.
Life without death.
Glorification without humiliation.
Birth without labor.
From caterpillar to butterfly without struggle.

Stoicism as heroism.

Like a convenience store or sidewalk whore:
Once a week, take a peek;
Get a fix from a crucifix.

Save us Jesus, from all of this !

August 21, 2018 (Originally)
December 1, 2022 (Revised)

I have read that God made Adam
and by His Spirit gave him life;
then He took his rib
and made for him a wife.

The Potter got His clay
from the ground where which He found
as he formed and shaped the man
while Angels uttered not a sound.

I saw a very tall building 
that seemed to scrape the sky;
it parted clouds though they did shroud
as it surpassed where eagles fly.

How majestic it did stand
as it rose above the earth;
yet beneath it all, I thought,
is only bedrock that`s old as dirt.

A flower it doth now grow
as it toils and as it spins;
Moreover, it endures
sun, rain and even wind.

Look beneath the surface
at those roots that reach way down
for they receive much life
from those nutrients in the ground.

An earthy-worm it wiggles
on an rocky but open road;
perhaps, a bate for fish 
or food for frogs and toads.

But, in a pile of leaves,
cow manure and rotting sheaves;
You may find it`s home at most,
in this putrid pile of compost.

I saw a newborn baby
brought forth in joy and tears;
its cry to me an opera,
like music to my ears.

Although the years will pass
with laughter, smiles and also hurt,
in the end you see my friend
for us all, it`s back to dirt.

You can carbon date it;
excavate it;
search for things,
but can not evade it.

A funny thing
where life begins—
this thing called dirt—
too, is where it ends ?

March 19, 2023

“Wine Press”

What I have
I give to you
`cuz it`s not just for me
but for you, too.

A heart that`s full
should be poured out
like water gushing 
from a spout.

It`s the pressure
on the fruitful vine
that produces
Love Divine.

So, as for me
let it flow;
fill me up
from head to toe !

March 18, 2023

As always, thank you one and all for taking your time to view and peruse the contents of this sight.

I hope and pray that you may have found it helpful.

A friend and mentor once said to me, “As with anything, we must learn to eat the meat and spit out the bones.” Hopefully, you found more nourishment here than trouble chewing…

Anyway, we are all in this thing called life together.

If it ain`t beautiful like a sunrise or starry night, or true, then it ain`t worth it.

Perhaps, what we need more than awards, degrees and financial security is a world view that helps us to make some sense of this world and give us a sustainable reason to hope. Hope is what gets us through. Hope is what helps us to endure.

And love. That is, a love that never dies, never ends, never gives up; that is as sure as the morning sun and dependable as the north star; as tender and gentle as an aging Grandfather and as fierce and strong as a jealous lover.

As for truth, there are all sorts of laws/principles in this world. In any field of study, I think, you will find this to be true. That said, just as there are laws/principles that govern our everyday life in the seen and temporal world, there are laws/principles that govern the unseen/eternal world.

If I have succeeded in expressing the aforementioned ideas to you through my illustrations and poems, I thank God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Please, if you please, stop by again. お待ちしております。

Warm Fuzzies,

A.B.Adams, November 7, 2023,Tuesday

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