“Heart of the Heartland”

“The Insidious Siblings”
“Forest of Fear”

I saw a forest 
of evergreens,
covered in fog,
a sunlit scene.

I said in hope
“Is it dawn?”
for then the fog
would soon be gone.

A voice replied
in the negative,
dashing my hopes
so they no longer lived.

The rays I saw
that did penetrate,
grew dimmer still,
the hour late.

Then I knew
that night was near
and felt a feeling
not unlike fear.

November 11, 2019

“Weather the Weather”

The morning was bright
and radiant;
my heart was tender
and penitent.

The noon did pass
and all seemed fair,
happy and light,
a cheerful air.

Then evening came
and unexpectedly,
my mood did change 
so suddenly.

And so I regret
what came about,
the words I spoke
out of my mouth.

My cup of anger 
is filled to the brim,
day after day,
I`m on the verge of sin.

Again, Dear Jesus,
I do repent
and apologize
to those, on whom I vent.

May 7, 2019