“The Bitter Cup”

“Bearing and Sharing”

Bitter herbs, finely chopped
mixed with vinegar and with salt.
But when asked, to raise it to my lips
tears flow down my fingertips.

But to refuse, is to disobey
and forsake the Master`s Way.
Although I too, bid it pass
to the promised joy, I hold fast.

For sharing in His sufferings
is not to be a despise`d thing.

Nay, the days of health and wealth
are almost gone—
the gospel of prosperity—
a 20th century mockery;

the product of affluent times
by which ease and comfort
were justified.

Now, may the Church return
to the first century Way;
that through our crosses
we learn to obey:

And now, let all dead limbs be severed
for Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today and forever.

February 15, 2024

The pestilence, it stalks.
Some take caution,
others baulk.

We know not what
each day will bring,
yet, we have hope
in the promise of spring.

Death is not something
to be feared
for His presence
is always near.

And so although
its shadow casts,
the sting of death
no longer lasts.

For my sweet Jesus
conquered all:
Sin and death,
the effects of Adam`s fall.

So put your trust
in the only One
who can save you,
the pleasing Son.

For He bled and died,
no sin to hide
but bore our shame
and as He did
on His heart, His lips, your name.
February 29th, 2020

“No More Looking Glass”

What God has promised
much He has fulfilled
although it hasn`t been
as I had always willed.

For if He had
given me
what was promised
without wounding me,
no thorn of flesh
or messenger;
no sharpened flint
to gently injure,
then like a balloon
my pride would rise
til it reached
up into the skies.

And, God forbid
I would not have known
His loving ways
with His own.

So, looking back
some 50 years
3 regrets
bring me to tears:
that I complained
along the way;
was often thankless
and did disobey.

Yet, by His grace
I now see
that all along
He`s been loving me.

So, if your life is hard,
feel like giving up
and in your hands
a bitter cup:
Ask not why
in resentment
but accept His will
with contentment.

For it just may be
that lovingly,
more than others
He trusts in thee.

Besides, this light affliction
will surely pass
when face to face we`ll see Jesus,
no more looking glass !

March 28, 2021
“This Cup”

Oft Your way doth lead
to a lonely place of need;
a place of struggle and unrest,
where all one can do at best
is pray and plead and kneel and bleed,
for the light of day, nay,
alas, that this cup may pass.
When all one` s enemies are closing in
and it seems that darkness indeed may win...
Yet, morning always follows night
and winter passes to spring`s delight
and joy is reaped when sorrow sewn—
a gemstone was rough at first when hewn—
and death begins at first in fall,
then seeds of promise lay beneath it all.
Hope deferred makes a heart ill,
but when dreams come true
life and joy can`t be killed.
August 16, 2020