“Noah`s Bow”

“Promise Keeper”

Promises made,
promises kept,
some yet to be
but not one bereft.

For still in the clouds
a rainbow appears,
confirming His promises,
chasing away fears.

And of those stars
that twinkle at night,
they tell the story of 
one man made right.

Who simply believed
what the good Lord did say
though tempted and tried
his faith did not sway.

And what of the man
who lost everything
but continued to cling
to His Redeemer and King. 

The list could go on
of many who bore
to reap what was promised
on Heaven`s wonderful shore.

So, though you may be doubting
and the enemy seems to be routing...

Remember the signs
God gave all around,
for His creation cries out
though it makes not a sound.

And too, His son, Jesus,
our Savior and Friend
who promised that all  
would be well in the end. 

November 27th, 2020