“Onward and Upward”

Celestial Peak”
  I can see the summit
 for we are near—
 its in full view,
 crystal clear.
 And the clouds which had
 blinded  us
 that did in fact
 seem ominous
 have been repealed
 to reveal
 the city that
 we've longed to see,
 a celestial one—
  So though alone
 we persevere
 along this ridge
 in holy fear.
 The wind, the winds
 they do blow
 as we follow His
 footprints in the snow.
  And in our belly
 a fire burns
 that ignites our hope
 for the One we yearn.
 Thus, in our hearts
 a hymn of praise
 to the One who's led
 us all our days;
 from guilty sod
 and valleys deep
 to edelweiss
 and Heaven's peak.

April 11, 2020 

 “Shrouded Summit”
 The peak of the mountain
 which I could see
 is now no longer
 visible to me.
 For the sky is dark—
 no stars in sight—
 the moon is hidden
 in this blackest night.
  Still, I remember
 what was revealed
 that heavenly summit,
 And knowing that
 we persevere,
 moving forward,
 facing our fears.
  For our Holy Companion,
 He doth guide
 so that we neither,
 slip nor slide.
  Thus, once we finish,
 this climb, this race,
 He`ll usher us in
 to that Holy Place.
 May 9, 2021
 Again the peak
 is before our eyes,
 bathed in warmth
 against pale blue skies.
 Clouds, they pass
 as winds, they blow
 more and more speedily.
 Hopes renewed
 as goal`s in sight,
 past is past,
 forward, with all our might.
  Though danger be
 on all sides,
 a Holy Companion
 is our mountain guide.
 I`ve come this far,
 “How can it be?”,
 except Thy grace
 shed on me.
 Thus, step by step,
 hand in hand,
 one more push—
 The Promised Land !
Get up !”
  Time after time
 with no good reason or rhyme
 I slip and I fall
 as I ascend this mountain we climb.
  And though the summit`s now shrouded  
 and the sky it is dark,
 though the air it grows thin
 and ever so slowly we walk...
  ...yet the moon still does shine—
 it offers some light—
 so the snow it does sparkle
 by these moonbeams at night.
 Thus, we`ve made it this far
 there`s no turning back,
 let`s summon our courage—
 its the one thing we lack.
  And press on and press in
 for our Heavenly friend, He is near
 on our left and our right,
 the front and the rear;
  So, though we have fallen
 the Good Lord decrees,
 “Get up and get going
 and arise from your knees;
  `cuz its all taking care of,
 the victory it is yours
 but you must walk in this truth
 until you reach Heaven`s wonderful shores.
 March 7, 2021