“Unsinkable or Unthinkable ?”

“Of Wood and of Steel”

We`ve grown accustomed
to the ways of earth,
seeking things like wealth,
success and mirth.

And this cruise of pleasure
that`s sped out of control
has hit an iceberg—
Well, what do you know ?

Should we still trust
the things they say ?
“This ship`s unsinkable; 
come what may !”

A quartet plays music
to calm our fears:
“Stay onboard—
the end`s not near.”

Yet, a life boat is offered
to those who simply would,
put all of their hope
in a crude `thing of wood.`

“But, on this I stand;
it`s made of steel,
it will surely keep
an even keel.”

“In that crude `thing of wood,`
should I place all my hope ?
for surely this boat
will stay afloat....”

August 31, 2021