“Economic Comic”

“Old Ebenezer”


Ladies and Gentlemen,
boys and girls:
Steeeeeep right up ! Steeeeeep right up !

“I decree
I`ll meet your needs
so trust in me
though your family bleeds.”

“And of your desires 
I am no liar;
ahem, my heart`s as pure, 
as a `Franciscan Friar`.”

“Come on in
and feed my friend
on which this whole
charade depends.”

“I`ll give you more
—more or less—
you`ll have the latest,
newest and the best !”

“This fair`s not vain—
it`s all the same—
keep on spending
till you go insane.”

“I`m, ahem, no slave driver
like those of old—
if I reach your wallets
I`ll reach your souls.”

“So, step right up
and don`t be shy,
now don`t you feel 
like you want to buy ?”

September 20, 2021 

“The Killing Fields”

(Cyber) Malls of America or Vanity Fair ?
Wheelers and Deelers everywhere.
They lure and they lie;
make you feel you want to buy.

Oh, the rush of a purchase !

Just like a needle in your vain
or a line on the table of cocaine.

August 9, 2019

“Monstrosity of Economy”

Of wealth and of health,
status and fame
to have or have not
should in no way bring shame.

But, when our foolish pride rises
with our pocketbook
and down our noses 
at others we look;

And our poverty
makes us greedily
covet what
we see on T.V.

–Consumers consuming
more and more;
the newest, the latest,
“Hmm, just one more !”

Alas, there is no end
to this unhealthy trend:
This economic monster
is no friend !

It`ll tell you what 
you think you need,
so, you`ll sacrifice
until your children bleed.

That home, that car,
that trip so far:
Have you lost
who you are ?

Well, its not too late
sealed not ! is your fate.
For Jesus Christ yearns for you
and for your permission, He still waits...

For at the door of your heart
which has been buried for years,
He pleads and He knocks
with weeping and tears.

So, open up ! Open up !
Just give Him the key !
Ask Him to come in
while down on your knees !

September 19, 2021