“Prostitute to Princess”

“The Way (Out)”

Hardened heart,
painted toes,
attractive features,
revealing clothes.

Offer parts
but not your heart
which has been ripped
and torn apart.

Soul is bruised,
body used:
Need God`s love—
Wilt thou refuse ?

And of the things
that you`ve received,
gifts for pleasure:
You`ve been deceived !

But there`s One
Who sees your plight,
He can save you !
O woman of the night.

Jesus Christ
is His name:
He can cleanse you
from your sin and shame !

Though now you sink
in mirey clay,
He`ll seat you with
Kings and Queens someday !

January 20, 2021

“Lesson of Lust”

I`m fifty years old,
heart`s growin` cold;
think I`ve somethin` to say
but I`m timid not bold...

Enemies closin` in,
well aware of my sin;
Tired of the fight,
stayed up through the night,
peepin` at those
who are scantily clothed
while surfin` the web—
with that enough said !

Nay, I know I`m a fool
for looking at those
who give away what is holy
in wearing no clothes.

So, as I sit here alone
on a bench in the park
I beg God for His mercy
to make a new start.

`Cuz I`ve been here before
and to Jesus I turned,
I hope I`m not hopeless
this lesson to learn.

September 15, 2019
Sunday Morning
“Warped Wood”

And of those young women
who are scantily clothed
with eyes of desire
whom erotically pose:

Is this what they wanted
and of what they did dream
when little girls they once were—
perhaps things are not what they seem...

For what little girl
tries on Mom`s lingerie`
and dreams of walking the streets
to earn money someday ?

And of those young women
who consent to be used;
do they ever feel tired
of being sexually abused ?

Do they ever want out
of the trap that they`re in;
Or are they even aware
of their folly and sin ?

Nay, to even view that AV
online or in 2D;
taints what is pure,
makes blind whom could see!

Have mercy, Oh God !
On those who actively do;
And on us who passively partake
of this wiley brew.

Its a trap all around
cleverly laid
by the seducer of souls
to lead us astray.

For like all things intended
that were once indeed good
sex`s been perverted and warped
like what was a straight piece of wood.

But, the Good Father above
is so inclined
to bless sex within marriage
for that`s His design.

He can give us the strength
and purge what we`ve seen;
help us do what we should;
even keep our heart`s clean.

January 8, 2022

“The De-Evolution of the Sexual Revolution”

Sexual sin 
tis temporal pleasure gained,
yet, to seem to starve
tis to abstain.

But, if we knew
somethin better waits,
wed forsake `mud pies
for Heaven`s cakes.

Indeed, it does
in eternity
for those who put 
their hope in Thee.

So, rise up O men
take back what`s lost
or our wives and daughters
will pay the cost.

Nay, we`re supposed to be
the stronger sex;
but we`re weak as worms
when it comes to sex.

Whatever happened
to chivalry,
King Arthur`s code
of gallantry ?

After all `Free Love`
isn`t really free;
it`s just free of

An attractive figure,
a pretty face—
the allure of beauty

Yet, if we step back
and give some thought
to what the Good Book says
tis a thing of nought:

Beauty`s vain
and charm deceives
but a woman who
like Ruth doth cleave;

is to be honored
and highly praised
for she`ll do you good
all of your days.

Precious gifts
are often given
in exquisite paper
and shiny ribbon.

A woman`s appearance
may catch your eye
but it`s what`s not seen
nay, what`s deep inside;

hidden in 
that inner part
that makes her glow,
that is, her heart.

December 9, 2021

Shape and form catch the eye but the heart does not lie.