A Stigmata for Stigmas

“Isaiah 30:18”

Stigmatized ?
Feel ostracized ?
Body now
unimmunized ?

Well, there`s no doubt
He was cast out
like a leper
with no clout.

Thus, He sympathizes;
He empathizes;
to show you compassion
He now rises:

He knows your wound;
He knows your soul;
He knows your longing
to be whole;

He knows your struggle;
He knows your sin;
He died for you
to be whole again.

So, approach His throne
-you`re not alone-
for His grace and mercy
you`ll be shown !

January 23, 2024
“Trash and Treasure”

“You`re light in the loafers,”
at least, that`s what they say
or again, euphemistically speaking,
“You go the other way.”

Well, that just may be
the cross that you bear
as people mock and they shun
and with eyes of hate they do glare.

We all have our struggles
with unnatural things,
like sex outside marriage,
overwork and excessive drinking.

Idols abound
deep in our hearts
things we give ourselves to
that tear us apart.

So, who am I to say
that your sin is worse
that I deserve blessing
and you deserve curse ?

What is distasteful to one
to another brings pleasure,
just like the saying,
“One man`s trash, one man`s treasure.”

For the sin in our lives
we must be contrite;
for the sin in another
we must see with His sight:

He did not judge
or even condemn,
He simply defended and said,
 “Go, and don`t sin again.”

February 14, 2022
“A Matter of Attitude”

I don`t know your struggle,
perhaps its DNA;
(All I know is),
 since Adam bit that apple
we all have gone astray.

And since that fateful moment
in which the two did disobey
all of creation was subjected
to death and to decay.

So, you say you`re predisposed 
that you never made a choice,
that as long as you remember
you liked not girls but rather boys.

I`m not trying to belittle you
for being lesbian or even gay
for the pain you feel must be very real,
perhaps, its difficult to say.

There may be conflict all around you
or hidden conflict deep within,
fueled by fear of consuming fire
and/or judgment for your sin.

So, if you go on struggling
though sometimes you give in
then take heart, He won`t depart,
keep crying out to Him.

For your struggle is a sign
that you call that `Good Book` good,
although you often try and fail
and don`t always do the things you should.

In there is the hope
that you still agree with Him;
you call it as He calls it
and agree that sin is sin.

And so, too, remember
that although you may fall down
your attitude`s what matters
in securing a lasting crown.

For the righteous even fall,
women and especially men
but don`t stay down, apologize,
rise and stand again !

March 14, 2022

“Returning to San Francisco”

In former days
and better ways
I new His love
before I had strayed.

Joyful times
were once sublime
with friends and faces
I left behind.

Memories of
a certain city
where I loved and served
and was moved with pity.

Courage, too,
I did demonstrate
when confronted with
a scowl of hate.

We brought meals on wheels 
to the ostracized
whose health was failing,
the unimmunized.

And of the man
whose name was Joe,
a homeless fellow
with dog in tow...

One night while walking
along the street
while in drunken stupor
we did meet:

Amidst the crowd
we hugged each other,
a college freshman
and would be brother.

The Spirit that 
was with me then
of love and mercy
and compassion,

Are contained 
within these memories
of all I was
and still hope to be.

May 27, 2021