One Man`s Heart

“The Origin of a Species”

When we come into this world
our hearts are all the same
although our bodies may be broken
blind, deaf or even lame;

Or our skin a different color,
our eyes or even hair:
Yet, we`re all created equal
on this `big blue marble` that we share.

And the thing about a child is
that their nature is to love:
“For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to these,”
said the Good Lord up above.

But over the years
through pain and tears
what once was soft and tender
is so misused
and / or abused
that hard and calloused it is rendered.

Alas, its not power, fame or worldly gain
that sets a man apart;
neither physique nor looks or pocketbooks,
not mathematics or even art...

Rather, something we`ve all been given
that directs the course of life—
a treasure chest of hopes and dreams
which, too, helps us choose a wife.

For there is a well
in every man
from which springs loving
or blood-stained hands,

deep inside
in that inner part
that is to say:
His heart.

March 10, 2022