“Monument of Ministry”

“At Paradise`s Port”
“Monument of Ministry”

A lot like the lady
who holds the gold flame,
welcoming immigrants
from foreign lands which they came;

There stands a man
at Heaven`s glorious shore
saying, “Give me your sick, 
your lost and your poor:

The one`s whom this world
has cast aside;
The used and abused 
and the victimized.

And, to the users, abusers
and victimizers I say, 
The door is also open
now and today;

For indeed all have sinned
and fallen short in God`s sight;
For there is no one that thinks
or always does right.”

Are you forgotten and sinful
and do you need rest ?
Then, come to Christ Jesus
For He`ll make you God`s best !

Thus, He stands at the port
of the heart of this land,
knocking and pleading,
extending His hands,

Waiting for any 
and all who may say, 
“Come in, Dear Lord Jesus,
come in, now and today !”

September 7, 2022