“Pixel BrotHELL”

“Pandora`s Box”

This chest you should not open
unlike an antiquated safe;
no treasure there to compare—
just turn and run away !

Oh, the sites will snare you
like the siren`s songs did lure
but once inside you can not hide
for the Grim Reaper`s grasp is sure.

Again, this attractive artifice
seems to call but does entice
and though it makes it promises,
it leaves you cold as ice.

Nay, to open it is to release
the very hounds of hell
and hear the reverberating sound
of John Donne`s sacred bell.

So, mark my words for I`ve been there
this path trod not I beg
for we men were made for nobler things
than JUST a pair of sexy legs.

February 6, 2024
“Beauty or Beast ?”

They jiggle and they wiggle
like a gelatin dessert
but the delicacies they offer
leave you only empty, bruised and hurt.

Their appearance is a lure—
every wink and every smile,
a covered pit with rotting leaves
on a lonely desert isle.

Their face is painted up
much like a circus clown`s
but remove that paint and there ain`t
no trace of beauty to be found...

And so you can see that beauty
is more than what is found
on the outer surface,
nay, it`s deep down underground.

For the gems we prize are hidden
deep within the earth
and the beauty that is lasting
only comes from a second birth.

So, if you find the one who shines
whose face is all aglow
you can be sure that inside her
is something special deep below.

June 24, 2023
“Digital Dilemma”

Like a sailor`s siren
they`ll lure you in—
Oh, they got `the goods`
but you`ll pay in the end.

Yea, you`re lonely and hurt—
your hearts been abused;
feel unneeded, unwanted,
forgotten and used.

The people you needed,
needed you not
so they cast you aside
and left you to rot.

And when you objected
and tried to explain
they pointed their finger
at you and did blame.

So, time after time
you foolishly turned
to images of women
for whom your passion did burn.

And when it was over 
you felt just like hell
as you chided yourself
for visiting the digital brothel.

You may kick yourself now
for what you have done
but run not from Him
for He never will shun.

Rather, bring it to Him,
that is, all of your rage
for He knows your whole story,
page after page.

Too, He knows your dilemma;
He knows your good heart;
How those that should`ve loved you
have torn you apart.

So, time after time
again go to Him
with your sin and your pain
for He`s your only true friend.

December 15, 2022

“Puddling Through”

We all have our idols
that love us less than
the God of Jacob and Isaac,
and of our father, Abraham.

For some its food and/or drink
that tempts their palette;
a love for wining and dining
or indulging in Swiss chocolate !

For others it`s simply shopping—
that temptation to buy—
O, the power of a purchase !
is easier then supplicating the sky...

Of course, there`s an urge—
it`s primal, that`s what they say—
the drive inside to procreate,
is hard to keep at bay.

And then there are those
who pride themselves in their work
who think business is godliness
with schedules that drive them berserk.

Yea, all of these things
can love less than the Lover:
as can family or friends,
even father or mother.

For there`s just room for just one
at the pinnacle of our hearts—
He`s like the North Star
that guides sailors with charts.

And remember that society
makes idols of idols
which makes it hard to refrain
from playing in mud puddles...

January 23, 2023

I`ve been crying out 
and givin` in
as I go on struggling with
besetting sin...

This ain`t no pleasure cruise
or amusement park;
it`s a lonely place,
all but dark.

Though it is a rollercoaster
with its highs and lows
and sudden jerks
that toss to and fro;

Or a merry-go-round
—that is a carousel—
with a downward spiral 
that leads to hell.

Is it me ?
Am I the only one ?
Who lives in shadows
where there is no sun.

There was no
deliberate choice;
no real rebellion
through act or voice.

Rather, I slowly drifted
from The Way
as my pain compounded 
day after day.

So, now I return
to where it all began,
where I started to stray
and let go of His hand.

And on that sight
I post a sign
for myself and others
to remind:

That there is a way
that seems right to man
but it`s not The Rock,
rather, it`s sinking sand.

April 3, 2023