“Janitorial Jesuits”

“Spring Cleaning”

Our hearts, they grow fat
and our bellies do bulge
as we compromise our beliefs
and slightly indulge...

The greater the comfort,
the greater the ease,
the less likely we`ll bow
and get down on our knees.

The age of convenience
where we instantly get
whatever we want,
on whatever our heart`s set:

No labor, no wait
no saving to have;
its all within reach
to take and to grab.

So, we approach God
like He`s Mr. Amazon Prime
with claims and demands—
its really a crime.

Nay, something must happen
to purge us of filth;
to sift chaff from the wheat;
to purify water from silt.

Maybe its time
to turn tables again;
to cleanse the Temple of God
from corruption and sin.

“Remember now,” I do say
and on this I insist:
“What help Luther to stand
is he must`ve got pissed.”

July 19, 2022

“2 X 2”

Christian celebrity;
ephemeral flower
of fame`s beatific brevity:

Your name is in lights
which blinds those with sight,
as you preach and promote
a cause that`s not right.

The goods that you sell—
your signature desired;
like the Pide Piper of Hell
to the weary and tired...

Sweet candy covered coating 
over a Granny Smith sour,
makes it easy to swallow
in the `Hour of Power.`

You do your fund raising
like you`re raising the dead,
as you weep and lament
over no `dough` and no `bread.`

Your ministry, a business—
an evangelistic entrepreneur,
as you beat feet to Wall Street
with the stench of a sewer.

Say, let`s get back to the basics—
the first century Way;
beat feet on the streets
from New York to Bombay!

June 10, 2023