“King of Hearts” Part I

“The Heart of the Matter”

Joseph Merrick went to bed
and upon his pillow laid his head.

For all he wanted was to be
like the rest of humanity.

“I am not an animal, I am man,” he did say
as they mocked and shunned him to his dismay.

Til one man had compassion and took him in
and indeed befriended him;

overlooking his appearance and deformities;
realizing, “Yes ! A big heart has he !”

Built a church he did within his room—
a symbol of hope, pushing away the gloom.

The 23rd Psalm he could recite
word for word with all his might,

as he clung to his soul`s Lover
and so you see we shoudn`t judge one another
or any old book, just by the cover.

January 7, 2019


I`ll tell you straight brother Joseph,
you`re a sight for many eyes...
but when I see the way yours do shine
those windows tell no lies.

Perhaps, many may say,
“What a raw deal he was given !”
But how well you played that hand of cards
up to the gates of Heaven !

You were my hero in my youth
as still you are today:
your heart of gold;
your soul not cold—
a perfect work of clay.

Oh, the Master Potter 
has His way of helping us to see
what really is important
that is, eternity.

April 22, 2023