King of Hearts Part II

“Unmasked at Last”
(In Homage to Roy L. “Rocky” Dennis)

He wrote a poem
that went unheard,
a heart of gold rejected—
how absurd !

The sun that shined
upon his face
by which gentle rays
did illuminate,

made him smile
as with wind in hair
but, too, caused him pain
and despair.

He spoke of Helen
who was as Troy
with profound wisdom
of man, not boy.

For love and acceptance
he did yearn—
his hair like fire;
his heart, too, with passion burned.

Memories of youth
when in the park he`d play.
All of his peers
would just run away.

So, as he grew
he saw through
the masks they wore—
so untrue.

Then one morn,
he awoke
unto eternity;

And at last 
he was known
for who he was
and not, his `mask.`

May 5, 2022