“Unangelical Evangelical”

“The Lesson of the Leaves”

Morning glories
tell their story:
awaken the dawn
with a cheerful song !

Their heads they lift,
their faces turn
to face the Son,
for whom their heart`s doth burn.

Leaves they shine,
others glow,
some they hide
in dark shadow.

Some people, too
have an inner glow,
while other`s reflect
what they do not know.

Still, in the dark
there are those
who seek for light
amidst loneliness and woe.

Yes, the Creator made
the morning glories
and the spring leaves
to tell a story.

For what is seen
will surely pass
but the unseen world
will surely last.

So, let`s begin
by considering these:
morning glories
and spring leaves.

April 26, 2024

“Hell, Yeah !”

Call down fire !
Turn the message up higher !
Scream in their ear
so maybe they`ll hear !

For unless they repent 
we won`t relent !

“Our ass is in
we`re saved from our sin
let`s just kick up our feet
and pray they`ll come in.”

We create islands of safety
where we gather and meet:
Why roll up our sleeves
and walk these dark streets ?

We candy coat our words
and put a smile on our face
any true emotion
is so out of place...

“Give us the rich
and the well to do
the successful and talented
to sit in our pews.”

We proclaim judgment
and stir up God`s fear,
saying over and over
the end time is here.

But do we get down on our knees
and beg for mercy;
Do we lift up our voices
with tears and loud pleas ?

“They made their bed
so let them lie in;
Give them what they deserve
for their rebellion and sin !”

“Thank God Almighty
I`m not like that man
who weeps and who beats
his chest with His hand”

Well, remember that Moses
begged God to save
the nation of Israel
when on the brink of the grave;

And Abraham pleaded
time and again
for God to be patient
with those cities of sin.

But WE cry for justice
and want all to see
God`s anger poured out
rather than His love and mercy...

December 14, 2021