Shape and form catch the eye but the heart does not lie.

“Hearts Not Parts”

Shape and form catch the eye but the heart does not lie.

Of the partiality of parts I now impart:

I`m not saying parts are unimportant
for they have an attraction all their own;
I`m simply pointing out the focal point
to make the truth be known.

Certainly, shape and form 
is something to be given thought,
along with size, I surmise,
of bust, waist, hips, too ought.

But, the thing that will hold you
in the weather yet to come
are those roots that like olive shoots
grow in rain and sun.

I`m speaking of her heart by which
her life, it sprouts and grows
like a giant cypress tree
with it`s grand and lengthy boughs. 

There in her shade as shadows fade
when the sun is up on high,
the birds they gather and people rest
and nap and cool and sigh.

Thus, if her heart, is beautiful
then a beauty she`ll always be;
her face will glow and eyes will shine
and yours forever she`ll ever be.

February 5, 2024