“You Gotta Want it”

A Soul`s Sole Supplication
“Positively Profane”

Of the doctrine of positivity
the only thing that I am certain
is that it`s a crock of human excrement,
when you`re really hurtin`.

I speak, of course, euphemistically
so as not to hurt your tender ears;
yet a true heart`s cry, is no lie
nor is release of pain with tears.

Whatever the hell you are goin` through
take comfort in a man like Job;
that man was real, no even keel—
his pain could shake this globe.

The problem is perhaps you`ll see
that is, it goes something just like this:
be it paper cut or bleeding amputee
we believe we deserve a 
perfect bliss.

Well, that ain`t the way in this current world
for we all endure some pain;
no one has just sunny days,
and, too, no one has just rain.

So, don`t deny it or seek to buy it
like some stoic or sadistic so-called saint;
for you must embrace it and even face it—
for escape you know there ain`t !

But, there is a happy end and Friend
who has felt and feels your pain;
no, it`s true, for He`s not untrue
for He`s always just the same.

So, call His name !
Pour out your pain,
in all its ugliness:
because from an honest heart He`ll not depart,
in sunshine and in rain.

February 29, 2024
“Black Hole or Worm Hole”

Unspoken fears 
seem to manifest
while the well of life
inside my chest

grows harder
and more cynical
as I fail to reach
any pinnacle.

Although, if Spring would come
I`d be OK
but again I wake
to a dismal day.

Nay, the valley and
the slimy pit
seem to be my lot,
a place of shit.

The faith I had
like the moon does wane;
or is like a bonfire
drenched by rain.

Alas, my ass
is prepared to die
in which case
please do not cry.

Waste no tears
on what was me;
simply forget
and then be free.

For the thing I wanted,
whom I longed to see
was God Almighty—
a theophany.

Yet, my life drags on
with pain compounded
thus, my angry outbursts
are not unfounded.

O specter of death,
it`s do or die
were toe to toe 
and eye to eye.

I`m sick and tired
of games and shams:
frankly Scarlet,
“I don`t give a damn !”

So return me back
from whence I came—
dust to dust—
we`re all the same.

For either Jesus is
who He claimed to be
and His sacrifice
on Calvary

was enough
to make mankind well
and redeem us
from the lowest hell;

or if indeed it be
  not the case,
then there`s no hope
for the human race.

So, just party on 
like all is well
for the whole universe
collapses in on itself.

November 13, 2021