“Omen for an Era” Well, that ship it did sink one long and frigid dark night in ice laden waters, right out of sight. To this day we still in the depths down below look for reasons and answers as we seek to know. Yet, did it ever occur to any at all that the pride of man goes just before he does fall !? And the ship that was heralded as unsinkable was doomed from the start— not so unthinkable. Yet, speed is to blame and ice up ahead but the deeper issue is of heart and of head. Nay, confidence in a thing that man made lead to so many deaths in a watery grave. Alas, even when the ship started to keel few did believe or thought it was real. They failed to consider that what was dubbed unsinkable— a floating Babylonian tower— would undergo the unthinkable... Alas, the 20th century was a Titanic term in which man`s foolish pride grew as he learned; knowledge, that is, but no fear of God which gives birth to true wisdom as does His staff and His rod. So, we`ve been slowly sinking on this ship of fools as the band just plays on to keep everyone cool. And the music is sweet and appealing this Vanity Fair as it deludes and deceives to keep us from care. It tells us we`re fine that we`re not going down that we`re safe on this ship that we`re not goin` drown... A.B.Adams September 6, 2024 Friday “Hamelin Again” In the 20th century the Pide Piper played while everyone danced and our souls we then laid... Two terrible world wars brought the world down to naught: some then sought God; most just forgot. And in the postwar era world the town of Vanity did grow til it consumed all but few with kiosks and shows. And many just bought what really was naught as all things were sold that souls may be caught. Nay, “The truth only we`ll buy !” few and fewer did cry as those who cried out were often jailed and did die. Now the Piper stills pipes day after day to attract the rats of Hamelin to lead them astray. Alas, much is still sold and, too, much is still bought, to win golden souls which are oft` sold for naught; and on that that altar they`re laid as the Piper just plays while few stop to ask, “Is this really, the way ?” A.B.Adams December 6, 2024 Friday